Saturday 12 December 2015

Belgian fries

                                                                                                                      Receta en español 

Belgians are proud of their fries, there are a lot of places on the streets where you can buy these belgian 'delicatessen' , they can be accompanied by different sauces.

The origin of their recipe is uncertain, French and Belgian people claim to be the creators of the fries.
Belgian people place the origin of the recipe in Namur, inhabitants used to fish in the river Mosa, where they could find little fishes that they fried.

One year, middle XVIII century, Winter was too severe and the river was frozen. There was no way of fishing, so locals decided to cut potatoes the same length as little fishes and fried them.

They use a special method of cooking potatoes that makes them crispy outside and soft inside.
This is the secret of their method:

Patatas fritas belgas

  •   Potatoes.
  •   Sunflower oil. (In Belgium they use beef fat).
  •   Salt.


1-   Wash, peel and cut potatoes into long strips about 1 cm thickness:

2-   Put oil at medium heat in a deep saucepan, the quantity of the oil must be enough to cover the strips of potatoes.

3-   Put potatoes into the saucepan and fry them during 8 minutes, until they become soft. Add salt at this point:

4-   Put the fries in a plate and let them cool.

5-   Put the oil at high heat, take a little quantity of fries and let them fry during 2 minutes, they become golden, put them in a plate and do the same with another little quantity of fries.
This second frying makes the fries crispy outside, keeping its softness inside.

My comments to the Recipe

I have tried fries in Belgium and I can tell that the fries made this way are even more delicious. If you use a frying machine it is easier to know the exact temperatura of the oil. The first frying must be done at 140ºC and the second frying must be done at  170-180 ºC.
I have used sunflower oil because olive oil has a stronger taste that can vary the result.

Here you have a link to my favourite cooking tools where you can find my spices grinder:  

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