Receta en Español
Baclava is a typical treat at middle East countries, it is called baklava, baklawa, baclava or pakhlava, depending on the countrie.
Baclava is a typical treat at middle East countries, it is called baklava, baklawa, baclava or pakhlava, depending on the countrie.
In Azerbaijan there are several types of baclava, the most popular is the recipe I bring to you today.
This is called pakhlava, it is one of the most laborious due to the multiple layers you need.
It is a dessert cooked for the persian holiday Novruz, the 21 st of mars to celebrate the arriving of the spring and Persian's New Year
I took this recipe from this blog flavors of baku
where you can find a lot of recipes form Azerbaijan.
Ingredients (For 55 baclava, ovenproof recipient~ 25 X 27):
For the mixture of yeast:
- 1 teaspoon of yeast.
- 1 table spoon sugar.
- 1 table spoon flour.
- 80 ml of warm water.
For the dough:
- 1250 grams of flour.
- 1 egg room temperature.
- 1 table spoon sugar.
- The mixture of yeast.
- 3 table spoon sour cream.
- 250 ml warm milk.
- 250 ml melted butter.
- Salt.
For the Filling:
To decorate:
For the Syrup:
1- We are going to prepare first the mixture of yeast,flour and water. Let stand for half en hour.
2- Add to the bowl where you have the yeast the rest of the ingredients except the flour: egg, sour cream,milk, melted butter and mix well. Now add flour little by little passing it through a sieve.
4- Now we prepare the filling. Crush the nuts in little pieces , mix with sugar, cardamon, coriander and vanilla sugar.
5- Now it is time to build the baclava, it has 12 layers of dough, you should divide the dough into 10 balls the same weight and other 2 balls with a little more weight , these two layers will be the upper and lower layers.
My dough weighted 1830 grams, I used 140 for each of the 10 layers and 215 grams for the upper and lower side layers.
To make the layers in a good shape I cut parchment paper with the same shape as my oven mold.
Sprinkle a little quantity of flour over the parchment paper, take one ball of dough , spread it over the parchment paper with the help of a rolling pin.
Then you should place the layer in the oven mold.
Don't forget to grease the mold with a little of clarified butter (see point 6) before putting inside all the layers.
I had a 35 x 27 mold

6- To clarify the butter you should follow this procedure.
Heat butter in a casserole, once it is melted , turn off the heat and get rid of the white part that you see on the surface.
A little quantity of white will remain on the bottom of the casserole so be careful when you take the butter to avoid this part too.
7- After the first layer of dough (215 grams) is in the mold, paint all the surface of the layer with some clarified butter until it is brilliant (use a kitchen brush).
8- Now put some of the filling (point 4). I had 900 grams of filling 900/11 = 81 grams . So I took 81 grams of filling and spread it evenly over the first layer.
9- Now prepare the second layer using the same procedure : Layer of dough, clarified butter and filling.
Until you arrive to the last layer , here you don't have to brush with clarified butter, no filling either.
After every layer be careful to place it evenly all over the surface of the mold.
10- To have baclavas with a rhomboid shape, cut the dough with diagonal strips:
and now horizontal strips:
11- To decorate, brush the surface with a mixture of egg, saffran infusion and oil, this is to have a good colour after cooking in the oven. Place half a nut in the middle of every baclava.
12- Preheat oven at 180 ºC and cook baclavas in oven for 20 minutes.
13- Take out of the oven, spread 125 ml of clarified butter over the surface.Cook in oven for 15 more minutes.
14- Prepare syrup, mix water and sugar and cook for 20 minutes at low heat. Then add honey and lemon juice , stir and let cook at low heat for 10 more minutes.
15- Take out the baclavas from oven, with the help of a knife recut the baclavas in case they have stuck together.
Pour syrup over the baclavas.
16- Cook baclavas 5 more minutes in oven.
17- Let the baclavas get cool.
18- When baclavas are still a little warm separate them and place them on the serving dish. you can eat them now or wait until they are cooled . This baclavas last some days.