Saturday 12 October 2024

Dioula Salad from Ivory Coast

Dioula salad is a healthy and typical dish from the Ivory Coast. It's a simple salad with stewed meat, spices and a Maggi cube which is indispensable in African cuisine.

Dioula is a language spoken by 10 million inhabitants in the countries of Ivory Coast, Mali, and Burkina Faso, and the ethnic group that speaks this language is also called Dioula.

Dioula Salad from Ivory Coast


- 1/2 kilo of beef meet.
- 1 onion.
- 1 clove of garlic.
- 1 teaspoon of anise seeds.
- Oil.
- Pepper.
- Salt.
- 1Maggi cube.
- 2 bay leaves.
- 1 tablespoon of mustard sauce.
- Cucumber.
- Tomato.
- Whitw Vinegar.
- Eggs.
- Lettuce.


1- Cut the meat into small cubes and fry it with oil, chopped garlic and onion, anise seeds, pepper, a Maggi cube, and bay leaves.

Once the meat has started to get done, add enough water to cover all the meat. Also add the mustard and let it boil. Then reduce the heat and let it cook for an hour.

 Peel the cucumber and slice it. Besides, cut the tomato into pieces. Place them on a plate along with lettuce and a hard-boiled egg cut into quarters. Add the meat on top.

4- Pour white vinegar into a jar along with some of the liquid from cooking the meat. Add olive oil and salt. Close the jar and shake well. Pour the dressing over the salad, and you're done!

You can also watch the recipe on my Youtube Channel:

Here you have a link to my favourite cooking tools where you can find my spices grinder:  

Ivory Coast

De <a href="//" title="User:Jon Harald Søby">Jon Harald Søby</a> - <span class="int-own-work" lang="es">Trabajo propio</span>, Dominio público, Enlace

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