Saturday 15 June 2024

Kaima Bona Gatoi - Roasted vegetables from Papua New Guinea

Kaima Bona Gatoi is a vegetarian dish from Papua New Guinea, it is usually served as a side dish with fish or meat dishes.

It is very easy to prepare and it is very similar to our roasted vegetables called 'escalivada'.

Kaima Bona Gatoi - Verduras asadas de Papúa Nueva Guinea


- 1 Zucchini 
- 1 Eggplant 
- Salt 
- 1 Red Pepper 
- 1 Onion 
- 1 teaspoon of cilantro 
- 1 teaspoon of paprika, spicy or not, as you like.
- Vinegar 
- Oil 


1- Cut the eggplant and zucchini into 1 or 2 centimeter thick slices. Cut the onion into 8 pieces and the pepper into small pieces.

2- Put everything in a bowl and add salt, a little bit of oil, vinegar, ginger, cilantro, and paprika. Mix well and let the vegetables marinate for 1 hour.

3- Put the vegetables in the oven and cook for 10 minutes at 200 degrees Celsius, and you're done!

You can also watch the recipe at my Youtube Channel:

Here you have my  favourite cooking tools:

Flag of Papua New Guinea.svg

De <a href="//" title="User:Nightstallion">User:Nightstallion</a> - <span class="int-own-work" lang="es">Trabajo propio</span>, <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">FOTW</a>, Dominio público, Enlace

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